sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Properties of materials

Hello children! Today, we are going to learn some properties of materials. But before that, we have to revise all what we have learnt! Do you remember the different materials? You can find them in the song of the last post!! So we have metal, wood, plastic, fabric, glass and paper. Do you know what is a table made of? and what is a spoon made of? It is made of...? For example, a chair is made of wood and fabric, a shelf is made of wood too, a fork is made of metal, magazines and books are made of paper, clothes are made of fabric, windows are made of glass, your backpacks are made of plastic, etc.

Ok! Through the following power-point presentation you will revise the different materials. You have to think the material or materials which the objects are made of. Are you ready? 

Now, we are going to revise natural and manufactured materials! Do you remember them? Natural materials come from the ground or from living things. Manufactured materials are made by people. We use natural materials to make them. Can you classify the following pictures in natural or manufactured materials? Think and write them in your natural science notebook!

Ok, now we are going to learn some properties of materials. So materials have different properties: they look and feel different. They can be hard/soft, smooth/rough, bendy/rigid, shiny/dull and waterproof/leaky. Also you have to know that materials you can see through are transparent and materials you cannot see through are opaque. For example the glass is transparent and we can see it in the windows. The wood is opaque because we cannot see through it. Can you find four transparent objects and four opaque objects in your house? Draw and write them in you natural science notebook!
Ok, we are going to focus on the following properties of materials: hard/soft, smooth/rough, bendy/rigid, shiny/dull and waterproof/leaky. For example:
 - A table is very hard but the cotton is very soft.
- An elastic band is bendy and a pencil is rigid.
- The silver is shiny because it is bright, but the wood doesn't bright so the wood      is dull.
- We can use a waterproof to impede that the rain gets us wet. But if we use  coat, we will get wet, because a coat id leaky.
Look the following pictures! You can find some examples of different properties:

In the following link you can play and investigate some properties of materials!! You have to prove different materials and experiment with their properties!! The next day in class you have to explain the reactions of the materials according to their properties. Enjoy!
Ok, now it is your turn!!! You have to investigate the different properties of materials of some objects in your house!! Later, you have to explain in class how you have proved the different properties of materials, and in what objects!! When you have finished, you have to choose five objects which have, at least, three properties!!! You have to investigate the different properties of materials in your house and draw the objects in the notebook and explain in class the different properties which have.
Finally, you have to complete this mind-map and provide some examples of the different properties:

sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Unit 1. What is it made of?

Song about materials!

With this song you can learn about objects which are made of some materials: wood, plastic, glass, metal, paper or fabric.

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016


Hello everybody! This is the blog of the 2ºB class for the subject of science. In this blog you can find several materials and resources about the different units of that subject. 

It is very important to learn about science because it helps students to create hypothesis, make questions, investigate, etc. about the world. Besides, science contributes to an understanding of how and why things work like they do. How are the clothes made? Why do the stars shine? We have a lot of questions which we can answer through the science! So...do you want to learn a lot and have a good time? Explore this blog!